Monday 11 February 2013

I stick to my Stick

I’m proud of you, my old friend,
made me strong enough to stand
Legs so lethargic, not confident,
stagger to carry, my body weight
Crumple on walks, joints worn out,
on whims to move, painfully shout
U my partner, be with me always,
when with me, I’m full of courage
Need no wheel chair, nor a walker,
no firm grip of a supporting finger
You my valued prized possession,
offer much valor, allay all tension
In an active life’s receding year,
I realize, you an honest partner

D’ moment U prevail in my hand,
I never bow down, wish to bend
Rather a stick, one would prefer,
instead of helping hand of others

A kid leading Father of d’ nation,
with a stick, sketches R K Laxman
In life drama, a multipurpose prop,
used best, before final scene drop
Not chair ridden, confined to bed,
looking forward, marching ahead
U savior, save from Collis fracture,
no fall, no crack in neck of femur
Arms to parry stray dog menace,
keep unwanted at safe distance
An ornament, for added dignity,
projects one as head of d’ family
To bow down a flowering branch,
for morning offering of flowers
To pull guava, from plant’s hold,
with asthenic stature, I feel bold

Now just an undesirable situation,
no sticks seen within wanted items
Conspiracy theory slowly creeps in,
 sticks, missing from market scene
As if a commercial business story,
for a booming Orthopedic surgery
As road traffic accidents rampant,
also extremists, miscreant attack
Accidental falls, numbers on rise,
innocent, old,  getting victimized
Heaves of plaster of Paris dressing,
now on roadsides frequently seen

Stringent law to be passed by State,
it’s no humiliation, not to hesitate
A stick luxurious or ordinary one,
to be carried by all senior citizen
March ahead, head towards sky,
no stooping low in anyone’s eye
without even slightest inhibition,
I’ll make a deliberate declaration
With harvestable organ donation,
enlist stick, my precious possession


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