Sunday 26 May 2013

Bad times put to back pocket


To live in past, too depressing

peep in to it, as a sight seeing

Past no utopian locus to linger,

over ambitious do live in future

Live at peace, live in d’ present,

no dive into turmoil, no resent

Smile, as don’t know how to cry,

love, a flowing river never go dry

Life is short to wake up & regret,

bad times put to back pocket

Past tutors lesson for d’ future,

erase vile issues, delete for ever

Stinging memories do badly hurt,

a chapter afresh, one must start

Why so often hang on to past !

shut eyes to it , it need not last

Flaws, stupidity make one learn,

steps to rise to a proud position

Life a chance, one must avail,

never miss a scope,  grab it well

Why keep crying for past mistake,

bad times put to back pocket

Uncaring lips, listen for a while,

ignore d’ woes, keep on smile

Pay no heed to mess in d’ life,

life too brief, U must realize

Live a life, as if death next door,

quit in instant, if game’s over

I accept events as they come,

allow me to stay , the way I’m

I enjoy d’ ride, live to d’ fullest

bad times put to back pocket

Entire harm done, done all ill,

heart kept open, I stayed still

Had to come along all d’ way,

life a coin to be spent anyway

Take things easy, it’s elegant life,

merger of fun, smiles, hug & kiss

Accepted life with twists & turns,

no events occur sans a reason

Love d’ one , who treat U right,

bad times put to back pocket

Each one of us has a story to tell,

walk in my shoes, path I traveled

U made me write, my life story,

it’s  so meaningful, not to worry

Feel my sorrow, my pain & fear

before U judge me, my character

Once my past, a rose with colors,

with sweet smell, delicate petals

Now full of thorns, only to hurt,

bad times put to back pocket

I’ve come across, many a square,

fully perplexed, move on where!

Future ought to have speculations,

Unusual apprehension & tensions

Survive now, one day to disappear

Leaving progeny to lurch in horror

Nothing to drink, no fresh water,

Water trapped in ice cap, glacier

Future so uncertain, all in oblivion,

Things to happen, brace d’ unknown

Cannot fix future or the past rot

bad times put to back pocket



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