Monday 20 May 2013

A ceasefire at early dawn

Last night, a hectic study night,
left me completely drained out
Lying open d’ books & journal
in total disarray, d’ study table
Stationery strewn all around,
got up early,
 a quiet dawn, utterly no sounds
Oh! it’s a lazy Sunday morning,
birds too know!, so no chirping
It’s always best,
for a tried person, a little more rest
I pulled d’ quilt over my face,
heard a chitchat in muffled voice

a gossip amongst the stationery

exploring answer to several query
After all d’ college kids, so careless
thrown me open, totally merciless
My good god, I’m not lying on floor,
dog, cat domestics can settle a score
Girls keep things tidy and neat,

   boys never bother even a bit

House-keeping, always ladies’ job,

U expect males, do d’ stupid stuff!
Eraser (stepped out, from underneath a paper)-
“Don’t teach him discipline & manner”
                   My sweet heart, my pretty eraser,

             no solace for d’ boys, never ever!
                  Pen only made d’ umpteen errors,
        got on the nerves of the boy poor
                Hey, shut up don’t be too smart,

  with my tip, I’ll puncture your heart
Eraser –
 U dirty lousy liar,
first clean your body, then character
 Please learn to keep your calm,

purposely don’t blame any one

On their job, all sincere & great,

no need to shout, no one to hate

We the part of the mega family,

cannot afford to be so unrully

He's helpless,if any of us missing,

so no squabbles, no infighting

Let him sleep, be in his dreamland,

enjoy a dating with his girl friend

Not to turn his life miserable,

 a ceasefire declared now on,

 binding on all


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