Wednesday 15 January 2014

Bark of d’ semi urban fox

It’s mid night,

 whom should I ask,

woken up by a strange bark,

Drifting off to sleep, calmly,

aroused by d’ noise so silly

Can’t make out if a fox fight,

barking all along, entire night

Not far enough,

right outside my window,

 one started d’ horror show

Followed by one more,

then another, another & another

Throughout night I’m awake,

what they were barking at!

 At each other?

like other night creatures

Or at cool night breeze,

or at moon or stars,

or at lamp posts or doors ajar

D’ mysterious bark,

 a sign of misery!

like a distressed human’s story

an appeal for help or a scream?

piercing deep in to my brain

Stupid beasts,

generating primal danger signal,
for no apparent reason at all

My serene sleep shattered,

I’m bruised and battered

Took an oath,

over d' mid-night decision,

must shift to a diverse location

Rural or absolute urban set up,

though pack & move, quiet tough

Aimed at austerity, had no option

a house in semi urban zone chosen

This region,

neither urban nor rural, a hoax

tired of bark of d’ semi urban fox


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