Thursday 23 January 2014

Turn baby, turn

My tiny tot, U truly stubborn,

unduly unyielding, deny to turn

  Drowned me in much concern,

no twirl to an optimal position
 Expected date even so close,

granted liberty, never opposed

 Your curious twists & turns,

deep in amniotic fluid ocean

Nine months I’m carrying on,

number of sonographies done

Hip-knee folded, buttock down 
scans speak a breech position,

Plenty of time offered to turn,

never buzzed, same situation

adjured d' adept Obstetrician,

to rigidly follow her instruction

Keep d' floor cleaned, carpeted,

with all four limbs, crawl ahead
 No shoes, put on only tracksuit,

 attires loose for ample comfort

Hips up on cushion, knees flexed,

lay with d' hips higher than head

Rehearse to be active all along,

lie down on back & sing a song

Each exercise for ten minutes,

a light diet and a sound sleep

Follow d' advice word by word,

a normal labor, a big reward

all procedures repeatedly done,

but hopeful lie never happened

Doctor tried a major maneuver,

conducted with stunning vigor

Asked me to wear a slack gown,

head held firmly & pushed down

Wrapped belly with a folded saree,

curtailed your freedom to 0 degree

Announced victory, head in pelvis,

baby too smart, all proved foolish

 dared not accept, in next check up,

again breech down and a head up

No more expect, baby to turn,

Baby sitting firm on its bottom,

 An elective cesarean, only option,

me in shock, psychic depression

For a CS, a mental makeup on,

but it happened, all of a sudden

A kick, somersault & a U turn,

to settle in the normal position,

tension relieved, scariness gone

Finally flipped baby obedient,

silly apprehensions put to rest

A sigh of relief,

things undone, done,

ultimately conceded to my appeal,

“turn baby turn”


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