Friday 13 June 2014

Retreat into your shell

A resolute to walk extra miles,
and no bit of tiredness
do ample things significant
without brief rest
Requisite benchmarks crossed,
yet attainments go unobserved
Generates resentment, stress,
efforts unidentified, all a waste
Not a word of appreciation,
I’m upset, that’s d’ reason
Make pertinent points,
U're ignored
 or stuffed to a sandwich & devoured
D’ issue if not addressed soon,
things of course may worsen
frustration to get translated
in to lack of motivation
Performance be in decline,
Good works ignored, not a healthy sign
Petty shortfalls purposely pointed out,
fault finding d’ only way out
Unable to follow d’ expectations,
For commendable acts, no appreciation
Out dated gadgets not replaced
No maintenance done
Quality work suffers,
no proper supervision
Only concern, fund collection,
gain of d’ trade oriented institution

High professional levels not desired,
bosses absolutely biased
A detrimental situation,
no genuine expectations
Speaking up also won’t help,
Just to casually pull on
maintain a low profile,
move along with d’ team
d’ only solution,
but not to sacrifice own skills,
no steer away from power of will
then what do you do!
What’s d’ right course of action

pace obviously retarded
yet a strong determination,
skill gained by years of hard work
to be used for suffering alleviation
With repeated attempts,
things not changing, won’t alter
situations unable to handle,
 look for a better avenue,
or retreat in to your shell
as if a docile turtle


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