Friday, 19 December 2014

Both of us, only casual stones

I’m a lump of lonely stone,
U also a shred of alike form
I lay beneath temple steps,
u stay in sanctum sanctorum
People put foot on me,
to climb up temple steps
U adulated entire day,
offered flower tributes
With utmost devotion,
utter inner wishes
bow down to fulfil them,
pray in folded hands,
Make confessions,
unlatch their hearts
speak up their concern,
Murmur d’ pathos of life,
ask you for a solution
No one cares for my emotion,
no pat even with a gentle palm
If U a stone of some calibre,
me too a stone of same order
hard to make out a reason,
why does it so happen ?

After ample interaction,
“hear me”, told d' God stone,
"While carving a sculpture,
petty pain even,
 u denied to endure
Each hit u screamed, did object
couldn’t be given a divine shape
 Decision made to leave U aside,
deserted, thrown to d' way side
Casually next stone got picked,
with it they chose to proceed
Started cutting, shaping, carving,
all supreme tricks of engraving
It was me,
I generated enough patience,
bore entire process in silence
diligence fetched me a shape,
with rituals, I got placed
In a temple, on a golden altar,
washed with holy water
announcements made,
 ceremonies held

U in your primal position,
continue as an usual stone
Mud huts perish,
 in heavy down pours,
brick houses stand for years
Matured in heat of furnace,
acquire vigour in abundance
Moulded in to a tough brand,
critical plights to withstand
As an idol u installed, 
declared a deity,
with religious rituals and rites
Milk, honey yogurt baths given
 Circumambulations performed,
a transition to a pious stone,
 now a spiritual destination
People pray,
 to cross over worldly cage,
out of illusion,
to planet of knowledge
Your temple a sacred site,
to commemorate marriage,
birth of a child
I’m uncared for, unknown
though equally a stone,
Entirely ignored,
  in deep penance,
lying idle in temple entrance
Fail to follow,
Why such discrimination!,
 both of us,
only casual stones


Unknown said...

Nice sir !!

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