Thursday 15 January 2015

You're just a coward

D’ pretty girl in her blue dress,

a smile of contentment,

a glowing face,

Next to her, a brilliant boy,

fair, tall, a handsome guy

A perfect moment of happiness

captured in d’ photo, in details

at d' bottom,
a hand written sermon 
 “ Its for U to see,

of course me and my He”

D' sealed envelope sent
to my address,

handed over by dad a week back

Drugs dripping to perfusion port,

tunneled in my chest,

Hands free to undo d’ envelope,

to pull out its content,

a brief recoup from lethargy,

can unveil d’ suspense

A  truly mesmerizing snap,

attire casual , guys full in grace

Dazzling eyes appear dreamy,

Smiles of satire!, 
yet it pleased me

I could see in flash back,

events occurred at a fast pace

She came to meet my parents,

to impress about her obedience

Docile, fit to be my life partner,

all ups-downs willing to share

A perfect professional match,

can walk far,

 her hand in my hand

But now,

an unknown her life partner,

and me, d’ most favored,

absolutely a stranger

 Tides of tear tough to check,

tend to trickle down my cheek

Once earnestly eager,
 to be my wife,

But I had to shut her,
 out of my life

Didn’t wish her to watch me,

 devoured by d’ disease
she should not be a witness, 
to horrors of life, events of distress
I know my fate, my prognosis

why to drag an innocent in to it

Her shrunken face, I can't bear,
her glowing eyes shading tear

All her whys, hows didn’t listen,

closed chapters of our love scene

Our sweet bond ought to expire,
hurting hard, 
yet its my honest desire

Lymphoma won’t sanction pity,

chemo may not add to longevity

Uncertain life, then be a burden,

why she to suffer for no reason
She's special for me,

 my unique pal,

for ever she'll remain special
Its evidently my compulsion,
to push her out of my life,
the only option 

Chemo started early in d' morning,

last drop to be over by evening

Mom lovingly stroke my hair,

u behaved  a brave heart so far
But what's that in your hand?,
photo of a newly wedded friend

That day,
she was utterly surprised,

in profound shock,

so, all these days I fooled her,

in d’ name of love!

Didn’t wish to leave my house

in spite of d’ insult

waiting outside, standing

till my doors were shut

Her silence spoke,

louder than her words

“U ignored my true love,

you are just a coward”


Unknown said...

The course of true love,never did run smooth...William shakeapeare

Unknown said...

Heart touching sir..

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