Thursday, 1 January 2015

For poem, a perilous journey!

  On new year’s pristine day,

in an unplanned way

In colossal speed,

I entered d’ atmosphere

A tour from

troposphere to ionosphere

For my poem some stuff to trace

but found no animals,

no human race

Curious events happen,

only in animal kingdom

Of course human too,

animals with labile emotions

Their life happenings,

a source for penning poems

thus this restive move,

in d’ endless perpetual space

Funny! but I’ve no road sketch,

though half way in d’ space

No Google map,

to guide me the way

Nor a flight plan of d’ daring move,

in d’ baffling space bay

Totally directionless,

not aware of a destination

poem only a plea,

foggy unclear my intention

What time I started!,

where to arrive

mode of my movement,

to fly, float or drive

A supernova I may encounter

and happily live there after

Or get sucked in to a black hole,

unable to emerge

darkness all around,

a disorientation surge

Forgot what day, what time it is,

an old year’s end,

or new year’s eve

Where to look for my car keys,

a plan how to oust,

d’ clinging spot off her cheek

In the bargain, I lost my aim,

forgot my name,

what’s d’ name of my fiancée

if she truly loves me?

Stuff fetching tour, truly churny

for poem, its a perilous journey


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