Sunday 22 February 2015

A girl is born

No one whispered in my ears,
no warning given,
forever I’ll be looked down upon,
hinted by none,
No jubilation, no celebration,
no sweet distribution,
to God, no thanks given
I’m unceremoniously born
 Again born a girl,
unneeded, an alien
how to get rid of me,
 how to disown
its unclear, unknown
me, a girl infant born

To be battered or thrown,
or dumped in nearby drain
To be throttled or gagged,
flashed with acid,
 or to be flamed
left in a lonely lane or park,
to get devoured by jackals in dark
To be pushed from roof top,
or spill poison in tongue,
to bury in a pit alive,
or to a pond to be flung
Fact to be kept concealed
parenthood not be revealed
D’ confinement news,
 no one should learn
hush it up quietly,
be a clean person,
a girl is born
unwanted since a gamete,
or at any stage they detect it
to a MTP clinic, dragged my mom,
to get rid of me, an unsought item
My aspirations, my nightmares,
kept aside, ignored, no one cares
I’m not as good as a boy,
a cause of concern
boundaries erected, lines drawn,
Struggle at each step to stay alive,
an infant, toddler or a house wife
May be a surgeon,
or executive of dignified look
yet a gender bias query,
 if I can cook
my potentials never assessed,
no gravity given
a girl is born
The X allele gene in me,
my father’s contribution
If it was a Y,
I would have been a son
All would have been glad,
an SMS flash, 
born a brilliant lad
Escaped for some reason,
survived entire treason
a girl is born
  Happened nothing such,
now I’m grown up
but scared to face
d’ carnivorous folk
Born so healthy,
a baby full term,
to be flesh fond hyenas’
 food item!
My future in hibernation,
no way to ascertain
On forehead destiny exists,
written in concealed script
Eyelash to ash, all intact,
yet a scrutiny of my body parts
Sky may fall,
 any odd may happen,
I’m granted no freedom
Betrayed by values and terms
a girl is born
Quiet enjoyable
even a rabbit raising,
but it’s a curse,
a daughter upbringing
Petrified to rear me,
may end up in bankruptcy
A wastage, all my expenses
spend on food, fancy dress
Educational identity craze
a frantic run in a rat race
Finally a groom search project,
 send off with dignity and grace
my fate utterly uncertain,
a girl is born
Happily married!
 but an infertile husband,
as an ominous spinster,
I’m always blamed,
A divorce, then a remarriage
 in d’ offing
Who to unfold d’ real thing
How to establish,
my innocence
I’ve no fault,
how to convince!
 Supported by none
no trace of light for me,
in limitless horizon,
a girl is born 


Unknown said...

Really thought provoking sir..Focussing on social ailments..appReciable..

Unknown said...

really sir sir might be focussing on social issues now a are good

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