Friday 20 March 2015

See me die each moment

Tell your last wish dear,

let me hear

your life to be annulled

God of death’s order


he's kind enough,

 to give U a scope

Last birth,
 u were a surgeon,

pretty good works done

Thus this relaxation

your last desire,

 to be sanctioned

Prove your prudence,

though no laxity granted,

in a capital punishment

Born in mortal world,

some day ought to die

 avail d’ golden grant, 
why to defy?
But certainly,
 not a hanging,
 rather a,
 modified mode of dying

Give me few minutes,

obviously I’ll decide it


sanctioned d' prayer,

take time,

articulate your desire

  It makes a difference!,

to me not known

 agreed for your sake,

vent your option

I’m in a lavish car,

in immense speed

hit her vehicle,

rushing from other side

In two lane road,

a head on collision

fiancé escapes unhurt,

and I’m gone
Crumpled cars cause,
traffic congestion

my most-liked music,
 still on

My body to be fished,

from car crash debris 

 Such a ghastly scene,

u want us to arrange

it appears hysterical,

 U mentally deranged?

More over,

 road traffic accident,

a death, not decent

Uphold dignity, 
relax on a chair

 an electrocution,
looks a lofty affair

Heart turns standstill,

after a fibrillation

before U realize,

life is gone

a satisfying option

Don’t intervene,

let me prefer

its me to choose,

none to interfere

A starvation death,

 in hunger strike!

public will admire,

people will like

No food, for long days,

end up in organ damage,

 Brisk weight loss, lipolysis,

  cause a bone-skin body,

 a metabolic crisis

Rather I'll opt for,

a silent heart attack

no chest pain, 
nor battle for breath,

all at once go flat

In massive heart stroke!,

a hasty race of heart,
 too precarious

Ventricles flutter,

time paucity,

even for a word to utter

Notion altered, 
now I'm logical

I do dislike,
 all deaths unnatural

Drowning, for air a toil, 
 O2 denial, water to inhale

No suicide, 
no lethal poison

no stabs, 
no narcotic ingestion

 Death from fatal disease,

also I don’t desire

if u truly wish to grant,

an aging death I aspire

 To you, it might look,

  too absurd

 I've mustered courage,

to face all geriatric odds
 A lax skin, constipation,

diminution of vision

seems wrathful,

 but God’s,
 serene sanction

I'll accept all,

 as old age joy

in tit and bit,
wish to enjoy

Wish to die,

every now and then

encircled by wife,

children, grand children
My final choice,

I prefer an aging death,

U too will enjoy,

to see me die each moment


Unknown said...

Good choice sir

Unknown said...

Last but one picture is very nice

Unknown said...

Encircled by wife,children & grand children..its Nyc & meaningul sir as u said !!

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