Wednesday 15 July 2015

My foe, I miss you so much

My foe tried to keep me
in good humor,
flawlessly performed
like a real well wisher
Wished to elate me
elevate my mood,
an unusual conduct
to appear  too good
I knew she’s a tough nut
hard to crack her shell,
acted extremely docile
feigned to behave well

Once acted over smart
conspired a drone attack,
a telecast to befool me
to amuse her company

Some sort of ghastly act
to hurt me, hard to think,
soon seen to diffuse d’ ire
to sustain a working link

Cursed with woes, all kind
to disrupt my peace of mind,
wedged an undeclared war
my defeat, top target of her
To utmost extent feigned
to prove she's best friend
but she miserably failed,
remained a foe till d’ end

Her cute pampering tricks
are obvious, well known,
color altered now and then
like a cunning chameleon
Heart filled with hatred
yet for obvious reason,
for fake love laden smiles
her lips so often widened
 Her total in & out known
heals minor headaches,
creates a lot of concern
 too unsought heartaches

More than her own self
I'm cared, loved, valued,
ready to hug pains for me
entire world over looked

Often she makes me feel
for her I’m a nonentity,
pushes me to a corner,
ignores, I’ve no priority

Disappeared at fast pace
made me deaf and dumb,
her absence terribly felt
its withdrawal syndrome!

Thrown far after being used
no exaggeration, no hype
I’m startled and confused
I wrongly felt she’s my type

Yet I miss her so much
our lives deeply entwined
Hitches, frowns, insults
accepted umpteen times


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