Monday 11 April 2016

Wanted a child for adoption


 Posters pasted,

 publicity done

advertisements made,

need a child for adoption
Dearth of future generation

apply eligible children

a fair chance given

 Will be treated as,

 party’s proud possession

non filial son for coronation

a child wanted for adoption

May be male or a female

only yard stick, family scale

 Party, presently a spinster

our dishy master, a bachelor

thus paucity of progeny

at hand, no nominee
for would be Premier

Its urgent do remember,

 no bias for gender
Any good looking child,

 with a shrunken brain

 or even an imbecile

Can solve d' purpose

do apply, please rush

be prompt, dump hesitation

A child wanted for adoption

Party members invited,

to come with worship kits

to pray, offer valuables

on your precious feet

Bend forward,
 touch your toes,

recite group prayer

With folded hands,

beg for blessings

 of d' future master
Your assumption untrue

u are no youngster

Your fluid excreta,

for them holy water

Even if u murmur,

in a delirious state

for them it'll be a

 topic of national debate 

Out of rage, if u thrash

 a leader national

its no crime, they'll go 

for a group rebuttal

An icon, too vital for d' nation

A child wanted for adoption
An outsider, be worshiped !

high command not convinced

ought to be our genius gene

 one from street, can't imagine

Why not my son in law’s son?

 a genuine kid in my opinion

Members, just play your role

fall in line with begging bowl

alms to be generously given,

smartly execute your action

Be vigilant, pay due attention

a child wanted for adoption

We now, a dilapidated group

already landed up in soup

in house a two digit number

 no national party's stature

can't dream of a majority

till the year twenty fifty

 no idea clicks in blank mind

need instant leader, a guide

No ray of hope traceable,

how to fill up vacant chair

Can train a budding youth,

for d’ future prime minister

If we fail in this endeavour,

at least opt for a scamster,

a crime minister

Facing, a time troublesome

party's future in doldrums

All in agony, a foul situation

a child wanted for adoption


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