Thursday 29 December 2016

And flowers will pour

I pushed myself ahead
no one else was around
passion made me proceed
on thorny path in silence,
no slightest wincing sound

I was a dejected person,
fully frustrated and tired
yet too hesitant to stop,
and kept on working hard

Thus was created d’ path,
through d’ gigantic hill
it often makes me think,
how it could be possible

Glimmer of a tiny fire fly,
tried to pierce d’ night sky
never fade up, didn't give up,
neither asked, how and why

Faced hurdles, gone ahead,
damn odds I came across
aim achieved at any cost,
all boundaries, I did cross
Accusations, not bothered,
my conscience crystal clear
healthy carp ever cuddled,
mend myself without fear

May be with my mini steps,
wish to achieve perfection,
try to put in right direction,
evidently with a wide vision
one day I’ll announce,
with ample honesty
proud author of poems,
it’s my creation, I made it

Wish to turn awesome,
I need no permission
if none praises my success
I’ll compliment myself,
celebrate on my own

I’m close to the nature,
it supports my endeavour
if no garlands are offered,
doors will open,
 and flowers will pour

Wednesday 28 December 2016

An anonymous patriot

Its only d’ human beings,
cope in adverse situation
spends promptly curtailed,
curbed d’ grand reception

Star hotel booking cancelled,
not even kalyan mandapam
Roof top be an ideal choice,
for mini marriage reception

Heard my PM with patience,
vowed to agree to his offer
bear all brunt for fifty days,
be nation’s laudable daughter

An appeal with folded hands,
I convinced guests, relations
No exotic food, only nice tea,
with or without sugar option

Papa’s ten leaf check book,
fell short, was just insufficient
for entire wedding purchase,
to disburse all d’ payments

Papa held head in both palms
felt utter helpless, penniless
black money war announced
by PM, in prime time address

Land sold for child’s marriage,
life time’s savings withdrawn
again put back into d’ account,
of no use for wedding occasion

Design chosen, lines drafted
card printing was in progress
no valid money in hand now,
even to pay d’ printing press

Band men, tent men, shop bills
make up man, mehandi lady
won’t accept debit card deals,
legal tenders to be kept ready

Bustling trade slowed down,
a fall out of demonetization
lack of liquidity, big constraint
but marriage mood alive & on

Took over charge of marriage,
went to bank, in d' bridal dress
from papa’s book to draw cash,
me, bride myself, a live witness

To wed in true cash crunch,
an unmanageable situation
wedding card and costumes,
documents for cash sanction

No hesitation, openly support
PM’s idea of demonetization
whip of d’ Govt to crack down,
d’ nation’s black money barons

My marriage to be celebrated,
on same auspicious occasion
no odds could ever cancel it,
nor allowed to get postponed

Wishes high, pockets shallow,
papa a middle class person
I’m patriot, evidently support,
black money cleaning mission

Bank staffs ought to agree,
co-operated bank manager
agreed to hand over d’ cash,
prior to queue of customers

Endeavour invited support,
clapped all the customers
urgently paid, a special case,
no grumbling what’s so over

Troops sacrifice life in border,
I’ll skip celebration comforts
in war with black money dons,
act like an anonymous patriot

Tuesday 27 December 2016



Monday 26 December 2016



Sunday 25 December 2016



Saturday 3 December 2016

An window of opportunity

I am at a fork in the road,

pondering which way to go

one looks familiar and safe,

other promises nothing so

Foggy unclear, too uncertain,

yet a force urges to proceed

for a cascade of change in life,

to accomplish dreams indeed
I am unprepared, indecisive,

universe forms scope concrete

astounding, may be full proof,

at d' brink of a stunning event!

To take this path less travelled,

 shape life in split-second resolve

meet an exciting dazing destiny,

in midst of many mess to solve

Mystical times, ahead of me,

prepare for all odds, absurd

d' veil’s getting thinned out,

between fake and a real world

In the vast ocean of time,

navigate with care, if I can

vitality to be duly conserved,

even to shake cloud for rain

Pass through a transit period,

blocks to go, struggle be over

chance to attract abundance,

with luck, gaiety and miracles

I’m a teacher, a trainer too,

compassionate, considerate

I’ll divulge tricks of comfort,

open up life’s trade secrets

Incredible potential left in me,

I’m on cusp of excellent time

a life force, waits to break free,

guiding beacon of light for me

auspicious time has arrived,

d' insights keenly displaying

I’m in touch with my true self,

to alleviate anxiety, suffering

Now entering a special season,

can put up with d' changes rife

An window of opportunity seen,

can accordingly adjust my life