Saturday 3 December 2016

An window of opportunity

I am at a fork in the road,

pondering which way to go

one looks familiar and safe,

other promises nothing so

Foggy unclear, too uncertain,

yet a force urges to proceed

for a cascade of change in life,

to accomplish dreams indeed
I am unprepared, indecisive,

universe forms scope concrete

astounding, may be full proof,

at d' brink of a stunning event!

To take this path less travelled,

 shape life in split-second resolve

meet an exciting dazing destiny,

in midst of many mess to solve

Mystical times, ahead of me,

prepare for all odds, absurd

d' veil’s getting thinned out,

between fake and a real world

In the vast ocean of time,

navigate with care, if I can

vitality to be duly conserved,

even to shake cloud for rain

Pass through a transit period,

blocks to go, struggle be over

chance to attract abundance,

with luck, gaiety and miracles

I’m a teacher, a trainer too,

compassionate, considerate

I’ll divulge tricks of comfort,

open up life’s trade secrets

Incredible potential left in me,

I’m on cusp of excellent time

a life force, waits to break free,

guiding beacon of light for me

auspicious time has arrived,

d' insights keenly displaying

I’m in touch with my true self,

to alleviate anxiety, suffering

Now entering a special season,

can put up with d' changes rife

An window of opportunity seen,

can accordingly adjust my life


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