Friday 11 November 2016

No love received in return

In a friendly gesture,
d’ pup looked forward
wagged d’ camber tail
and it gently barked
A laudable job done,
it jumped, it trotted
 a meek pat on back,
too eagerly awaited

Nonstop growl at snake,
with an unblinking look
baby rescued instantly,
mother rushed and took
stamina out, felt listless,
after the prolonged howl
thanks showered on God,
it stood still, ignored by all

It walked down d’ street,
saw a herd of young lads
noted their hatred look,
and their gossip it heard

A vexed tone murmured,
dogs are devil creatures
years back a stupid one,
had bitten my grand father

Discussed of dog menace,
stray dogs’ howling weep
each night, routinely done,
disrupts d’ peaceful sleep

Vowed for a street fight,
chase and hit with sticks
scared of their rabid bite,
can’t trust d’ dirty breeds
one picked up a stone,
signaled to do d’ same
each lifted up a stone,
approving of his brain

Unsure, what next to do,
rowdies drawing nearer
stood still, fully baffled,
dusk too turning darker

Stones hurled with force,
a victory!, got delighted
for wrong doings of dogs,
befitting penalty awarded

Licked its oozing wounds,
laid battered, brutalized
hope to reciprocate love,
was never materialized

Wounds take time to heal,
regretted d’ docile creature
its gratuity for good work?
by the brutal stone pelters

Attacks for crime of others,
assaults for no fault done
put heart n' soul for good,
no love received in return


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