Tuesday 1 November 2016

Must illuminate our inner light

Traffic post signaled a stop,

car came to a grinding halt

hit windshield with knuckles,

a boy stood with balloon lot

I slid window glass down,

 "take ma’m, each 20 bucks,

damn cheap, enticing ones,

kids will be happy, just love"

Checked wallet for change,

even if don’t need d’ stuff

"tomorrow Diwali, U know?"

I casually wanted to talk

"Hum.m..", mild nod of head,
his parched lips retracted a bit

 smile flickered, wanted to say,

"don't teach, I know what's it"

"How much U make in a day?,

roughly what's your income!"

“a hundred or a little more”,

"Oh really!, it's a good sum"

"What’s d’ plans for tomorrow,

how do u wish to celebrate?"

"buy dress, shoes from a mall,

 mom's Saree, sweets for mates"

 His words, I couldn't digest,

extent of truth must assess

 d' acute desire buried in chest,

only a glimpse, he did express

A dream to go to a big mall,

shop dresses, shoes, sweets

for self, friends and family, to

share, get pleasure out of it

 Talked ahead, explored more,

"What's Diwali, do you know?"

kept mum, pondered to reply,

"not seen diyas, lighted in row?"

 “Um.. yeah..!

...we do that and everything

gifts, sweets, pomp, ceremony

and burst variety of crackers",

in reality, he knew nothing

Signal altered, I was on d' go,

must do away with crackers

to buy a balloon, not enough,

 didn’t extend a charity proper

Didn’t sponsor a modest meal,

offer a pair of dress in deed

a sweet packet for his family,

little fund for their dire need

No fun filled moments in life,

even though its a festive day

no respite to toiling hands,

earning bread, real needy guy

Lost d’ chance to help him,

to gain solace for my soul

it disturbs me quite often,

pinches me in deep slumber

Wish to do something novel,

give meaning to their Diwali

life behaves harsh to them,

their underprivileged family

Balloon selling, coin earning

hands too can burst crackers

in golden glow of diyas, try,

d' meaning of life to explore

No house, small for a lamp,

happy Diwali, an equal right

all can rejoice d' occasion, if 

we illuminate our inner light


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