Monday 11 September 2017

How precious’s Love, at d’ end

Once upon a time
there existed an island,
somewhere in d’ vast sea
a deserted shard of land,
almost unknown,
with no ratification
There lived all feelings
gaiety, grief, wisdom
also trust, love, disgust, anger,
along with fear and frustration
one day over and over again
it got announced,
to stay alert, take care
d’ lovely land would sink
Assemble rafts,
keep ready to leave
waste no single moment,
it’ll vanish with a wink
Boats were made,
belongings packed, loaded
one after d’ other,
all started departing,
could afford, no waste of time
Except for Love,
d’ only guy left
it wanted to hold out
till last possible moment
Island had almost sunk,
now decided to seek help
for itself
In a grand boat,
Richness was just passing by
can u take me with you?”
an humble request made
Richness couldn’t ignore,
“No, I can’t, was the reply
No place for you,
My boat’s overloaded
packed with heaps of gold, platinum,
entire space occupied,
that’s the reason
Love thought to ask Vanity,
going in a gorgeous vessel.
"help me please!, will u?
facing hassles, I’m in trouble"
Its just not possible,
"look at your wet attires,
do you have sense?
you’ll soil my craft,
damage its clean ambience"
Sadness passed close by,
Love enquired, “can I come with u”,
“Oh . . . Love, my dear guy”
I’m so sad,
but I need to be by myself!”
life must go ahead,
with peace and tranquillity
can’t accommodate you,
sorry, saying with all sincerity
Happiness steadily moving ahead,
in its decorated raft
submerged in her own world,
glee gushing out fast,
couldn’t pay attention to
love’s alarming words
no response, no reply
as though,
brushed aside, moved forward
A rescuing voice heard,
reverberated out of the blue
and an unexpected hand,
stretched in her direction
in fraction of a second
gave ample relief, solace
she felt blessed, overjoyed
forgot to express gratitude
to d’ elderly rescuer,
neither asked
where they’re moving ahead
They arrived at some dry land,
d’ elder departed,
went his own way.
realized, she owed a lot to d’ elder,
for him she wished to pray
Love asked wisdom,
“who was d’ guy, why helped me?”
wisdom answered with a smile
“you didn’t recognize,
“it was Time, d’ precious gem”
“Time?, how strange!”.
“Time only could understand,
how valuable’s Love, at d’ end”


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