Thursday 12 April 2018

My daughter, my heart throb

I am carrying our baby,

Dear, yet you don’t care!

In 8weeks, be in your lap,

no excitement ever there?

Thrilled a lot sweetheart,

try a ploy, do something

just can’t wait that long,

its a highly edgy waiting

Yet you never wish to ask,

 a bright boy or crafty girl?

No difference it'll make,

so, won’t divulge it at all

Boy to fly a plane one day,

girl a collector or doctor

No dreams in your mind,

for d’ new family member?

An idea erupts in mind,

I think to keep it a secret

May appear funny to you,

don’t wish to reveal that

Buried plan in your brain,

u ought to disclose to me

I’ve full right to know it,

I'm d' kid’s wise mummy

If boy, I’ll teach all mischief,

Maths, sports, fishing, driving

but if a cute little girl's born,

need not tutor a single thing

Would u please elaborate it,

oh my dear husband, hello!

too absurd d' logic of yours,

I’m just not able to follow

She’ll tell me, how to dress,

how to talk, dining manners

what to say, what not at all,

guide me as my 2nd mother

Even if I do nothing special,

she’ll judge me as her hero

collate her husband with me,

even often, I may be a zero

She’ll obey, when I refuse,

stay ever as my baby doll

fight with d’ world for me,

never forgive any offender

Daughter to manage all odds,

not son, that’s what u mean?

He’ll do same, once he learns,

but daughter to be born with it

She won’t live with us forever,

some day she’ll get married

we’ll be in her heart for ever,

however farthest she remained

Daughters are evident angels...

born with unconditional love

filled with caring for parents,

my daughter, my heart throb


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