Thursday 21 June 2018

Human nature,God too can't alter

D’ jam packed bus,

full with filthy barbers,

fell in to a ditch, fathomless

Got smashed and crumpled,

d’ inept died a tragic death

It was decided in heaven,

God to sanction indemnity

one wish only to be granted,

to each individual casualty

Take time, li’l bit of liberty,

select with care, then do ask

It’s an opportune occasion to

fulfil life’s most prudent task

1st barber pondered, his need’s,

for a clean shave or a haircut

to pull out an annoying tooth,

necrosed part of a limb to cut

All cosmetic aspects of d’ body,

even to reduce dislocated joints

no recognition for d’ vital jobs,

no scope to score credit points

His skills and tools are no less,

than any of the famed surgeon

in long career as barber, millions

of haircuts he must have done

With no delay, he boldly uttered,

I wish to be a surgeon of repute

widely get respected in society,

deserve lot of honour and salute

God promptly snapped fingers,

forthwith the things did happen

multiple eyes found wide open,

each eagerly waited for his turn

2nd barber told, I also perform,

similar acts as previous speaker,

moreover hair dying, ear pricks,

tackle too d’ body surface ulcers

My tricks and tools no less dear

I don’t have thoughts of retiring

a genuine surgeon I can become

till last breath, keep on working

Monks do maintain their tonsure 

monasteries forged market for us

now ravenously hungry for fame,

the 3rd also wished d’ same status

Most of them adjured alike level,

wish-granting pursued on and on

God granted, it ensued in instant,

but an odd incidence did happen

Last man in line laughed wildly,

as if already fulfilled his desire

d’ crazy act went on for a while,

with vigorous episodes of satire

Now finally came his turn to ask,

his intentions, absolutely unclear

"Ready to beg wish?", God asked,

postured to snap his tired fingers

No genuine desire rather mockery,

he babbled, almost like an insane

if u truly bless grant, as committed,

I wish, “they were all barbers again”


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