Friday 23 November 2018

Can’t afford deficit of such person

Morally an upright person,

may be with weak physique

got a rat eye size black mole,

at d’ angle of his right cheek

Edgy to find out some one,

one who’s entirely different

lately ceased to be hawkish,

became docile, totally silent

He goes to bed fairly early,

gets up early in d’ morning

Loves to walk in the dawn,

in soft cool breeze blowing

Weeding, watering of plants,

busy with saplings in garden

gently drags tender branches,

plucks flowers rightly chosen

Worship, a routine at home,

often regular temple visits

talk to d’ people on the way,

discuss their needs, deficits

Eats food after offered to God

wishes d’ elders folding hands,

scans almanac, keeps account

observes all festival of d’ land

Follows all courtesy, manners,

respects d’ guests, as if a duty

even if appear without notice,

their comfort, his first priority

Thinks of food, health, wealth

But rigidly follows d’ customs,

plans for festivals, pilgrimage

cross no lines of social systems

Pleased with d’ landline phone,

a diary to note phone numbers

wrong numbers too politely dealt,

never ever looses his calm temper

Recalls full moon, new moon days,

same news paper read often thrice

d’ faith in God, mingled in blood,

for rituals, ready for any sacrifice

Loves old slippers, vests, goggles,

papads, pickles needed in summer

likes to use the home made saunf,

not  d’ packets of mouth freshner

Selects country tomato, brinjals,

spinach, mint, leafy fenugreek

rigidly follows bad-good omen,

if any known guy ever falls sick

Bargains with vendors in market,

no struggle rather a sweet scuffle

such man from families receding,

people missing their funny tussle

One such person of my family,

had a hitch and just vanished

last couple of days can’t locate,

a terrible unfortunate surprise

His absence pinches too much,

none in d’ family could tolerate

his scolding, shouts are welcome,

in his dearth values will evaporate

Life’s discipline will be doomed,

all motivating factors disappear

precious lessons chapter closed

life to lack in care for each other

He re-invents himself in every role,

in absence also his shadow lingers

unable to imagine where he's gone

did sweeping search but no answer

A path with no pleas, pretention,

a life far from any adulteration

never declined to help any one,

where to find him I’m uncertain

but I vow to unearth,

can’t  afford deficit of such person


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