Tuesday 13 November 2018

A wish to scatter d’ gathered

Time has its own pace of moving,

passing years caught me unaware

yesterday I was young, got married

new life, new partner to take care

As if the years went to black hole!

it ensued aeons ago, can’t imagine

I know I lived for d’ entire period,

able to fulfil my hopes and dreams

Thought d’ old age’s away from me,

winter of life created ample surprise

it was not far off, unable to fathom,

youth vanished fast, couldn’t realise

My batch mates retiring, getting bald

in hirsute scalps, seen greying of hair

age points out, now adjoin in older folk

once young vibrant, now move slower

Entered in to this new season of life,

packed with diverse aches and pain

can’t freely move around as I wish,

unsure, how long’s season’s terrain

Evidently welcome new adventure,

in the season ending it is all over

regret, certain jobs could’ve done,

In life time faced so many seasons

Can’t put things off for too long,

time passes faster than we think

achieve accomplishes in life quick,

Season alters in instant, as a wink

Life’s winter too unpredictable,

never know when it’ll approach

our loved ones to be instructed,

to end chores, not delaying much

health’s real wealth, no gold silver

friends and family are true jewels

today is d’ oldest you’ve ever been,

even d’ tomorrow may never come

sleep comes better on lounge chair,

with TV channel confrontations on

no sleep in regular bed laid for me,

spend sleepless nights, eyes open

Now no need to gather materials,

rather a wish to scatter d’ gathered

no need to look for divine favours,

pour profound blessings on others


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