Wednesday 31 October 2018

Right bargain, one can’t ignore

Worked on a drastic decision,

for entire week no food intake

to feel d’ true pinch of hunger,

to repent for d’ awful mistake

Got equated with a scavenger,

his moral values dipped down

hired a suite in Cliff view hotel,

and booked a cab to Cape town

His incredible photography,

showed a vulture’s patience

with a paramount attention,

d’ creature stood motionless

Much longer than usual wait,

such was d’ sense of purpose

till kid takes her last breathe,

and turns in to lifeless corpse

A milestone visibly erected,

in wide field of photography

photo reporter Calvin Carter,

received the Pulitzer trophy

D' South African journalist,

went to Sudan on expedition

In the famine struck country,

people perished of starvation

Scope to snap several photos,

captured sensitive situations

young vibrant photographer,

for career an amazing passion

Not proud to get such award,

derived no pleasure out of it

his hunting mind forced him,

to pass several sleepless nights
An outstanding photo artist,

in d' photo journalism history

d' triumph of a striking award,

didn't wish to celebrate victory
In news channels, networks,

famine was d’ topic of debate

in an interview tried to narrate,

the child’s catastrophic state

Vulture waited for a long span, 

but his work schedule, too tight

 admirably over, d' photo session,

he rushed fast to catch d' flight

What ensued to the kid next,

had no answer, to be offered

he had no time to stay back,

to witness the entire episode
D’ interviewer firmly briefed,

two vultures were there

in d’ tragic story

One waited to devour d’ kid

other with a camera in hand,

left in a hurry

He heard this, went to shock,

dejected for having no pity

to achieve a lofty objective,

no right to ignore humanity

Camera held hands didn’t lift,

d’ kid to a UN feeding centre

the child would have survived,

even if he received no honour
Misty cliffs, a favoured spot
for a suicide, ensures a death
high cliffs with rocky landing,
chosen with care, had firm faith
Made up mind, steadily moved,

to top of d’ ragged uneven rock

jumped off in to d’ calm lagoon

to hit stony floor with big knock

Work’s a means to live a life,

a dying kid’s life equally dear

could have saved his own life,

right bargain, one can’t ignore


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