Thursday 25 October 2018

A charity wrapped with dignity

Went closer, casually asked

how much u sell d’ eggs for?
feeble old egg seller replied,

Rs.5/- each ma’m, not more
She put it straight, as a deal,

half a dozen I wish to buy

consider a little cut in price,

twenty five rupees I’ll pay
Didn’t sell single egg today,

okay ma’m, I ought to agree

pay me as you’ve bargained,

with five eggs, let one be free

Might get more buyers now on,

may be it’s a bright beginning

my petty business will bloom

add up to my today’s earning

Victorious in d’ bargain done,

moved ahead with egg packet

wished to compliment herself

got in to her fancy car and left

For a treat to her bosom friend,

car halted at a posh restaurant

menu scanned, starters ordered,

main course must be excellent

Leisurely ate a little, left a lot

of their choicest ordered stuff

casually saw hefty bill of 1855

swapped debit card to pay it off
Kept a 200Rs note in bill folder,

tips for satisfying service given

got up, victoriously walked out

without a little bit of hesitation
A needy person selling eggs,

scarcely entails any attention

it never pinches d’ conscience

with utmost delight it’s done

Bills included service charge,

for show shake, fat tips given

but unkind to poor egg seller,

bargaining competence shown
Unduly liberal to hotel boy,

not a truly genius generosity

it’s no welfare but show off,
charity wrapped with dignity


Unknown said...

So nice I just can't imagine.

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