Thursday 3 January 2019

A quality hearing aid I’ll present

D’ issue was quite delicate,

how to proceed to persuade

it's usual in advancing ages,

better to accept a hearing aid

Age won’t wait, moves ahead,

must convince his dear wife

not sure how to approach her,

how to rationally tell about it

Talked to the family doctor,

professionally too competent

who noticed his deep concern,

did reveal a bit of trade secret
Asked him to do a simple test,

in no time issue will be known

"be twenty feet away from her,

speak to her, in a normal tone"
Watch if she hears you or not,

note d’ response, her reaction

reduce d’ distance, go closer,

judge if aid’s needed to listen

He calmly walked to kitchen,

she was busy cooking dinner

stood at the decided distance,

a scope to gauge hearing error

What’re we having for dinner,

some appetizing stuff tonight?

eagerly waited for an answer,

but no response from her side
Quietly advanced a bit closer,

asked d’ same question again

his wife took no notice of him,

tension built up in him in vain

Worried of d’ extent of defect,

same query again he did repeat,

no unease, must get an answer

tried at ten feet, also at five feet

No reply came in her sweet tone,

he moved, stood right behind her

honey, what’s u exactly cooking?

wife exploded into flame and fire
She shouted in top of her voice,

"this is d’ 5th time.... it’s chicken"

let us consult the ear specialist,

to rectify your hearing problem
U are unduly protective to me,

overlooked your own torment

wedding jubilee a week ahead,

a quality hearing aid I’ll present


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