Sunday 30 December 2018

My possessiveness did disappear

It’s sound of splashing water,

comes from d’ swimming pool

evidently a midnight mischief,

defies all norms, not sensible

Occurs every night as a routine,

the sound growing in intensity

each passing day wades deeper,

tears in to the water’s density

First few days I had ignored it,

from d’ bed now I stepped out

took lift to d’ swimming pool

for vivid check, to clear doubt

Couldn’t find any one there,

got back from the futile trip

tossed & turned a bit in bed,

lastly managed to fall asleep

My passion worked overtime,

to plan and erect d’ building

basement a decent parking lot,

1st floor guest room, drawing

2nd floor an ornate bed room,

3rd a pool as per her choice

a home theatre on 4rth floor,

with relaxing seats to rejoice

An exciting mini bar on attic,

a gym, solar panels on d’ top

water harvested is put to use,

for the swimming pool set up

Open space is for roof top party,

often to entertain a close friend

all done to fulfil my wife’s wish,

insisted to add pool in the end

Included it in d’ house complex,

I am passionate, love her much

adore d’ fetching face, blue eyes,

wavy lustrous hair, sharp nose

My emerald, my precious stuff,

went missing six months back

I recall the time spent with her,

her whereabouts, cops clueless

Happy couple, in elegant house,

how not immune to such disaster

multiple questions put to me by

family, friends unable to answer

Wakes me up early in d’ morning,

wilfully bangs pillow on my face

I grab her hand and pull her down,

I’m half awake, she half undressed

Finish breakfast, step out to pool,

for a pleasing swim, to enjoy life

finds her way around in pool but

no natural swimmer my dear wife

Looks lovely in swimming suits,

I love oft to play tricks with her

pull legs from below the water,

she splashes and gets too scared

Often we go for midnight swim,

last time I was in a fete of anger

assured amount never received,

mid night swim paid no pleasure

Gripped her legs from underneath,

pulled her down applied force rigid

held her head below d’ water level

fought for a while, turned flaccid

Pulled her out in drenched attire

dragged up to d’ attic cup board

dumped her body, sealed d’ wall

I truly love her, it’s never absurd

Watched the waters for a while,

the pool was quiet, undisturbed

I got up, shrugged my shoulders

to go back to my room, I turned

Again a harsh splashing sound,

for a while my heart beat halted

could see an out stretched arm,

to reach me frantically extended

Grabbed me by neck, dragged me

to depths of unruffled pool water

none to witness d’ horrific crime,

my asset, d’ only silent onlooker

Felt chocked, fought for breath,

things turned hazy, fully unclear

lush mansion started crumbling

my possessiveness did disappear


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