Thursday 20 December 2018

Hello helloing at midnight

My dubious telephone service,

over and again behaves erratic

I never try to avoid the creditors,

genuine crisp calls I use to miss

I’m in balcony, for finer network,

it’s d’ type of my service provider

never serves me in adequate way,

nor lets me to try a network better

A midnight call made me nonplus,

seen on screen, a number unknown

oddity made me to answer d’ call,

with lot of curiosity, li’l hesitation

Hello! may I know, Who is this?”

I’m Bhagwan, the almighty God

universal, omnipresent, omniscient

d’ all pervading, omnipotent lord

“It is no time for such prank calls,

I must think of a police complaint”

my admonition was not enough,

and my words were no deterrent

Saw d’ missed call, called u back,

either u ask a thing or else I leave

busy with mankind, have no time,

your tone seems to be aggressive

I called u for last so many years,

during d’ periods of my distress

but returning my call today only,

didn’t call on purpose in any case

God replied in an apologetic tone,

my workload has utterly gone up

“look son, I know you called me,

33 crore deva-devies took care of

Same size was d’ populace earlier,

one god, in charge of each person

that equation is badly altered now,

u multiply in geometric progression

Each devta to cater ten devotees,

and u people are so demanding

whimsical and with endless lists,

a sample of requests worth telling

A good job with an extra income,

a fair skinned wife, good looking

expert in cooking and hefty dowry

d’ undue urgings keep on coming

a healthy male child with a high IQ,

a berth to admit him in d’ IIM / IIT

job for him with a great package,

a damsel daughter in law, fully fit

A son in law not keen in dowry,

let my daughter to pursue a carrier

not to come up to our comparison

friends, relatives or d’ neighbours

Hard to fulfil conflicting demands,

a bit to everyone I quietly sanction

all aggrieved, no one seems happy,

disgruntled for no obvious reason

I’m offered putrid bananas, apples,

d’ recycled flowers, offered earlier

stale sweets prepared in rancid oil,

to fulfil wishes, for a service better


I’ve no wish but pertinent question,

u agree Kerala, God’s own country

why d’ awful flood and devastation,

yet I never understood this mystery

God got confused, totally obscured,

improve your geopolitics, d’ answer

atheists don’t believe in me, yet for

ladies I’ve opened Ayappa’s doors

You bring your earthly troubles here,

come with too many irrelevant query

all absurd, jocular expectations and

d’ phone was disconnected in a hurry

Hello, hello”, there was no answer,

my wife woke me up, ready to fight

I’m damn sure u are having an affair,

it makes u, Hello helloing at midnight


Unknown said...

bhahat bhala

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