Sunday 30 December 2018

Bribe payer’s no victim, a criminal

 D’ nurse shook head in negative,

meant, Rs 30/ no decent amount

“I ran out of money to pay more,

and conceded, can’t fight it out”

Hesitantly she took d’ amount,

baby’s treatment got delayed

with a grouse pushed injection,

eventually my ailing baby died

“It’s a bribe paid”, advocate told,

she did admit, “yes she has done

kid’s precious life was at stake,

you expect a more valid reason!”

Bribe payment a terrible crime,

such odious act u did commit

much grievous than d’ person,

he unwillingly had to accept it

Bribe taker had no ill intention,

she was rather a forced creation

you only compelled her to do so,

and she did, had no other option

Totally meek dutiful character,

pressurised by u, d’ bribe giver

to fulfil your lofty aspirations,

u wish to stamp her as offender

You d’ root cause of problems,

by redo appeals, tried to tempt

in spite of d’ sustained refusals,

being an honest public servant

U compelled her to accept bribe,

acceptor is your forced creation

you’re corrupt, thus in custody, 

bribe taker had no ill intention

planning to play a victim card,

tried to gather undue sympathy

you d’ root cause of entire evil,

must receive stringent penalty

Paying bribe is a heinous crime,

sends to society a wrong signal

baby’s demise, no victimization,

you paid it, u a dreaded criminal


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