Wednesday 5 December 2018

Dear homo sapiens, do remember

Relished d’ advantage, comfort,

now put up alarming allegation

sobbing, sulking polythene said,

“blame me for environ pollution”
I’m spoiling your surroundings,

need tobe out rightly discarded

I never arrived here on my own,

for your utility, you had created

Now deceptively announce me,

unwanted, unneeded, hopeless

a stuff of negative discussions,

u suffer, yet avoid my presence

Buyers earlier refused to shop,

if items not given in poly bags

now I’m given only dirty looks,

untouchable, unknown, useless

Once I reigned, it was my time,

pop up in many designs colours

Sellers busy in my frantic search,

to please their valued customers

From cycle brake to car cushion,

found everywhere, omnipresent

often used, misused or tortured,

never opened my lips to object

All loved me, light and handy,

congenial to carry boiling curry

hot tea, cold milk, butter milk,

pained me a lot, I never worry
Not even spared in long tours,

if a guy has a motion sickness

securely vomits in to my belly,

drops me in a secluded place

Use to dispose off rotten items,

tinted to spot d’ different waste

twist my neck, put a tight knot,

I struggle to tolerate to my best

Often hung from bicycle handle,

pitiable, like a parentless orphan

to carry live fishes to aquarium,

cover d’ head in a drizzling rain
After the ban, cruelly discarded,

now an agent causing pollution

am I the only one responsible?,

no one gives any consideration

Forgot your industries, factories,

fell trees to erect d' skyscrapers

concrete jungles, motor vehicles

garbage scattered here and there

Holy shrines do noise pollution,

d’ sewage pollutes potable water

on stubble burning, smoke clouds,

d’ Governments have no control

Easy to curb the docile polythene,

other rogues, beyond your whips

to do away with me is only urgent,

rest all pollutant, a political speech
Soon I’ll get extinct, but miss d’

company of hot idlis & sambhar

For your welfare,

ready to sacrifice own existence,

dear homo sapiens, do remember


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