Sunday 12 January 2020

I'm proud of my father

A hectic first day in the office,
got ready for the initial event
d’ imperative inaugural speech
as the incoming US president
In middle of his maiden speech,
stood up an elite egoistic person
 defying all d' norms regulations,
tried to confront all of a sudden

Felt totally insulted, badly hurt,
unable to digest the moldy fact
offspring of a paltry shoe maker,
could become the top of d’ state
"First answer me Mr. President,
your father, a mere shoe maker,
for my family, he stitched shoes
as and when we placed an order"

"Obviously I wish to remind you,
prior to your ascent to that chair"
Abraham Lincoln was made fool,
a loud laughter, Senate did share
He gave a direct look in to his eyes,
stayed calm, made a polite answer
"Sir, not only yours, he made shoes,
for d’ families of many others here"

"Made it in a way nobody else can,
was gifted with divine designing art
to impart an unique shape to shoes,
he poured out whole soul and heart"
"I’ve inherited a li'l bit of his tricks,
I know how to make shoes myself
let me know if you’ve a complaint,
fresh pair of shoes for u I can make"
"But as far as my memory goes,
no one ever had any complaint
he was a genius in his profession,
had enthusiasm and commitment"
"He was made of different mettle,
truly an able and awesome creator
had loads of passion, perfection,
I ought to be proud of my father"
"He did all on his own accord,
with own vision and dedication
 not shoes but antique pieces,
worth keeping in the museum"
Whole Senate was struck dumb,
it does not matter what you do
but it matters the way it’s done,
a dear diamond necklace or shoe


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