Friday 31 January 2020

Leave this country

If feel oppressed, get tortured,
only problems here, they claim
why not they leave this country,
to stay here who has invited them?

Why we’ll leave this country?
they cannot behave too smart
country equally belongs to us,
in freedom fight we took part
If things go wrong somewhere,
we have d’ right to point it out
each day we’re asked to leave,
repeatedly advised not to shout

On their demand, for their benefit,
a portion sliced and Pakistan made
yet few stayed back to hatch havoc,
enjoy facilities but never satisfied

Our role in nation building, ignored
belong to this country, no outsider
we, our kids, born and brought up,
till our last breath, we will be here

Take the name of the Almighty,
jump with a bomb tied to body
no worry for devastation, grief,
for anytime anarchy ever ready
God directed, kill d’ innocent,
a sacrificial act to please Him
sacred step for one’s salvation,
Jihad never considered a crime?

What about cruel mob attacks,
killing the uninvolved persons
fake blames as cow smugglers,
it is no crime, murder or arson?

Native land for crores of Hindu,
everyone can’t be a mob-lyncher
for freak feat by few miscreants,
whole community u can’t censure

Muslims too remain in crores here,
all do the act, bombs tied to chest?
for one or two doing such mischief,
can’t point finger at whole of d’ rest

What they’ve done for the nation,
polluted d’ congenial atmosphere
open up d’ Face book /What’s up,
entire situation will be crystal clear

You are upset since morning today,
utterly busy with your cell phone
Khir’s nearly ready, looks fantastic,
will you carry it to bhaijan’s home?

Routine mob lynching, suffocates,
peaceful atmosphere is fully gone
Have breakfast, go to their house,
the chicken biryani is almost done

Will you answer the calling bell,
open the door, check who is there
Bhaijan came with d’ biriyani box,
I handed over d’ khir near the door

What’s in your hand in that carrier,
with enough care you’re holding it
Bhabi prepared khir with li’l sugar,
it’s for me, she knows I’m diabetic

A non-spicy Biriyani, so delicious,
she recalls my spice related gastritis
I wish to thank both of them for it,
got chance to have my favorite dish

They harbor so much hatred for us,
I feel to close relations with them
we need to snap all our friendship
can’t continue in same pace again

Last year, when admitted in hospital,
he got d’ news, first person to come
daily morning he took u in his bike,
in evening drop you back at home

Open up face book, know their tricks,
a sort of nuisance, blockade of roads
see what they’ve done to this country,
women kids in forefront, looks absurd

My business failed three years back,
helped no relatives, that’s d’ real truth
food came from his house thrice a day,
for more than a month, can you refute?

Life’s just beautiful, it’s no Facebook,
no cooked up fake gossips with hatred
make our simple life horrible, toxic,
spread rumors, tell stories fabricated

Don’t dive in to your pet cell phones,
open your windows and peep outside
the world outside is incredibly superb,
no Hindu/Muslim, only Indians reside
one and all're, decent human beings,
ignore the minor disliked stray events
point out wrongs, add no religion to it,
need not bent upon to spoil d’ country


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