Saturday 30 May 2020

As if some unsolicited suggestions

Just love them,

try not to help unless sought for,

don't impose yourself on anyone

from all d' misfortunes of d' world,

why edgy to protect d' loved ones


Don't complain about your health,

retirement issues, neighbors' fight

aim not to teach anyone anything,

even if damn sure that you're right


Children can never be ungrateful,

parents only can behave stupid

look for no gratitude from them,

despite whole lot for them, u did


Take care of your helpless spouse,

now old, wrinkly with mood swings

never forget she was once young,

agile, cheerful, and good looking


Then a useful wealth and fortune,

to propagate your current family

might be he/she, the only person,

who right now needs you really


Anti-age therapies, of little use,

don't waste the last money on it

your wellbeing, being d' foremost

better spend it on a pleasure trip


Don't blame yourself for all those,

to your life all that had happened

or to d' lives of d' family members

in spite d' best possible was done


Frantically follow d' current news,

appreciate the new technologies

regularly study d' developments,

don't lag, try ever to keep busy


Its prime to preserve d' dignity,

no surrender in a hard situation

remember if you are still alive,

till d' end, useful for someone


Follow few tips for an easy go,

after 60 we all, Senior Citizens

tip-offs might look funny, as if

some unsolicited suggestions


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