with right words, he tried to depict
ill luck on no occasion arrives alone,
had to sacrifice my only gall bladder
might appear as a miniature organ,
but for me an organ-loss of forever
Clamped down to bed for a week,
it's d' soreness at d' operation site
also d’ pinching Hospital expenses,
made my financial state too tight
Same year reached d’ age of 60 yrs,
superannuation raced heartthrobs
after 30 yrs in d’ publishing house,
suggested umpteen writing tricks
now pushed out of d’ creative world,
the farewell function rather pricks
Further adding to on-going distress,
my father passed away d’ same year
forced to manage the entire show,
and consoled the family members
The misfortune never ended there,
my son met with a road accident
failed to join his new appointment,
They kept his leg on traction, then
in rigid plaster for several weeks
the wreckage of my only vehicle,
d’ frightful period not getting over
lost d’ patience, unable to endure,
oh God, what a lousy traumatic year!
His wife casually entered d’ room,
found her husband too depressed
pondered in some different world,
lost in thoughts and appeared sad
Quietly stood right behind him,
read the content and left silently
he was not aware of her presence,
fully submerged in melancholy
Came with another paper in hand,
gently pulled d’ one from his desk
without his li’l knowledge, altered
d’ piece of his literary excellence
The trance phase got over soon,
eyelids parted, could see d’ paper
his name was noted on d’ top of it
narrating him as d’ famous author
The handwriting was different but
had an acquaintance, not unknown
read d’ entire stuff in a single breath,
with no eye lifts and no interruption
Last year, was a memorable year,
so many wonders did truly happen
I finally got rid of my gall bladder,
d’ buckled one had so many stones
Had to spend sleepless nights for it,
repeated hellish pain in the stomach
vomits, indigestion a routine feature,
no relief, medicines no more worked
I turned sixty with sound health,
retired from d' job with ample dignity
never looked like a retired person,
absolutely handsome, young and fit
Now enough scope to use my time,
with more focus and a lot of peace
can write something much better,
it’s my passion, I can never miss
Last year my father passed away,
died at the lofty age of 96 years
needed no support, no assistance,
with no critical illness met his Creator
a great blessing all together
Also this year….
God blessed my son with a new life,
my car got smashed I never mind
with limb fractures and some injuries,
he was alive, God was enough kind

Recouped with a larger lease of life,
with no disability, not disfigured
the delightful year passed so well,
with immense blessings of d’ God
An amazing interpretation of events,
may be routine but makes d’ life shaky
not d’ gaiety that makes us grateful,
but the gratefulness makes us happy
Lost in d’ stupefying lines,
recalled d’ comely handwriting
eyes flooded with d' precious fluid
made up of
only1% water, rest 99% feelings
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