Thursday 13 August 2020

Fox left the place, went ahead


Delighted with d' nature's beauty,

the monk walked on d' riverside

abruptly spotted a sailing corpse,

stuck to d' bush, partly putrefied

He woefully observed the dead,

seemed to be a familiar person

must have died a horrible death,

in flood water ruthlessly thrown


A hungry fox rushed to devour it,

halted right away by the hermit

"it's d' body of a wicked person,

hold your hunger it's unfit to eat

Move away from d' ominous spot,

and try to fetch some fitting food

limbs looked so tempting, edible,

the stunned fox stood unmoved


Hermit narrated in simple words,

those wicked hands never offered

clothes to a bare-bodied person,

little food to any hungry creature

No donation to schools, temples,

orphanages or d' charity centres

amassed funds from d' innocent,

but gave no solace to sufferers


Exploited all to the extreme,

no offerings for a good cause

inferior stuff to be gobbled up,

restrain your desires, do stop 

In a dilemma, not  convinced,

fox soberly appealed d' hermit

"starved since a  couple of weeks,

at least d' enticing ears I can eat"


Oh never,

those ears are not fit either

they listened to all filthy jokes,

all talks of infatuation,

habitually heard vulgar songs

and of illicit relations


Denied hearing pathos of life,

stories of sufferings of people

a discourse of spiritual gurus,

tales of Ramayan, Gita/ Bible

Dislikes d' songs of devotion,

and God's pacifying prayers

you can never get contented,

to munch those decaying ears


I can further advocate you,

about his ill worthless eyes

his low look at d' have-nots,

and ugly glance to the ladies


No visit of any holy hermits,

steps of a temple never climbed

put feet in no sacred place,

did no pilgrimage,

for selfish motives he thrived

My dear listen carefully,

pay full attention

his pulpy feet, fleshy legs too,

all unfit for consumption


After demise hurled into d' river,

no patriot did nothing for d' nation

fire too unwilling to touch him,

might have refused a cremation

He filled his stomach with food,

bought on d' deceitful earnings

gathered funds to live lavishly,

piled up enough curse and sins


No body part, right for your diet

in head too, no eatable elements

jam-packed with d' ego of youth,

wealth, status and achievements

Never behaved politely in life,

before elders never bowed head

things seemed too mystifying,

fox left the place, went ahead


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