Monday 28 September 2020

Beyond d’ pristine sea shore

From d’ mountain peak it had come

travelled all the way,

hindered so often

On several occasions,

bypassed countless  blocks

jumped over all the obstacles


Crossed dense forests,

numerous human habitats

pursued  a long curvy course

across the hills and plains

and now all of a sudden,

out of the blue,

in front of her a vast ocean


Saw d’ depth of its blue water,

she fluttered in fear

could vividly envision own future

once she bounces in to her lap

will vanish for ever


Retreat just not possible,

and she had no other go

simply cannot pull back herself

no choice, no other option

May be anyone in d’ universe

not permitted in God’s creation

it ought to take a risk

and enter d’ boundless ocean


It ought to mingle in it

merge her own identity,

candidly become obscure

a dancing, rippling, lively river

won’t remain river any more

beyond d’ pristine sea shore



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