Tuesday 29 September 2020

A genuine call for fresh customers

Few days left for your online Exam,

go and sleep, how long you'll study

you've to go for selling the masks,

get up early tomorrow and be ready


He closed d' book, kept on d' self,

"I try that, but people are reluctant

to purchase masks at 20 Rs each,

as if a big price for a quality mask"


"Others insist on designed masks,

with few elements to match d' dress

no fancy factor found in these ones,

only hide d' persona, can't impress"


"A mask is a mask, no stuff of fancy,

carry on, go and sleep, don't bother

never grasp the objective of its use,

I've to finish stitching twenty more


In d' scorching heat of summer sun,

started the selling trip in his bicycle,

the dry-ups, worse than coronavirus

mom hinted to carry d' water bottle


"Mask, take mask……quality mask...

soft cotton masks, all hand-stitched

available in three contrasting colors,

washable, reusable, twenty Rs. each


Heard a voice from inside a house,

"oh mask boy stop there, let us see"

"give me one each of those 3 colors",

"Rs20 each ma'm, a total of Rs sixty"


Wiped sweat from d' face in hand towel,

in d' shade of a tree, removed own mask

felt exhausted, wished to wet d' dry lips,

a car stopped, lowered d' window glass


"Hey boy, to give out masks, noble job,

which society has engaged you for it"?

no free distribution sir, I'm selling these,

hand-sewn by my mom and Rs 20 each


Masks given for free as a kind gesture,

d' pandemic period, so troublesome

"my mother stitches and I sell these,

sir, this is our only source of income"


The window glass gently pulled up,

the driver instructed to move ahead

"lately realized I was talking to a VIP,

it's d' car of d' PWD minister as noted


Sir, in d' family how many members?

the boy knocked the window glass,

"we, only 3 people, but why do u ask"

"it's for your use, take these 3 masks"


"If u give the masks to me free of cost,

then how you'll manage your family"?

"used to d' starving and odds, for us to

skip meals one day, won't matter really


"You and your family stay protected,

take these for free, precisely for that

if u people put on d' masks on d' face,

evidently d' whole nation will feel safe"


"But your mom won't scold u for that?

"no, she never scolds me, if I help poor

please make d' best use of those masks,

u remain safe, d' nation will be secured"


Minister was scrutinizing the masks,

he rode his bicycle and went off far

Mask, take mask……quality mask...

a genuine call for fresh customers


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