Friday 6 August 2021

Nagging storms never last forever

In the company's annual family trip

to Samui crocodile farm in Thailand

the boss announced in enthusiasm,

dared anyone to obey his command


Can jump into d' reptile infested lake,

apply wit and might to reach d' shore

for an easy-going toil-free life ahead,

need not continue in d' job anymore


If one survives the rip-roaring swim,

be rewarded with rupees two crore

if killed by the crocodiles, then also

d' next of kin get d' amount for sure


For a long haul, no one responded

and dared to take up the challenge

undeniably a lucrative sum, alluring,

one need to partake with a pledge


Then suddenly a man jumped in and

for life swam frantically to the shore

pursued by the ferocious crocodiles,

but mercifully, he made it uninjured


Doors of the storehouse of ability,

got opened up at a lightning pace

infinite dormant potentials buried,

steadily liberated, joined the race


Somehow managed to recover breath,

awfully became an instant millionaire

shouted who pushed him into d' pond

your wife did it, she brazenly uttered


Life ever is a guileful deceptive go,

but if d' going gets unwieldy  tough

put one foot in front of d' another,

and do keep going, never give up


Face d' challenges along the way,

despite the hurdles and d' threats

savor d' journey, tackle d' troubles,

curiously the life is all about that


Stretch yourself beyond the limits,

have to unlock your true strength

every adversity contains within it

d' seeds of opportunity, have faith


After d' scary spine chilling incident,

from that day, this phrase got coined

that "Behind every successful man,

invariably present a daring woman"


When one follows his inner voice,

elements of true potential uncover

has hope, do endure can overcome,

nagging storms never last forever


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