Thursday 26 August 2021

D' village is decent & remains ever good


In due course, the teacher asked,

if anyone could explain, elaborate

d' difference, village versus a city?

state in a few lines, nicely narrate


Stray dogs loiter in village streets,

and enjoy total freedom, a boy said

cows are taken care of, worshiped,

but confined in the filthy cowsheds

Dogs are reared in neat city homes,

given a sauna bath, dresses, vaccine

non-veg. diet as per d' weekly menu,

morning walk with the boss a routine


Cows wander freely on city streets,

eat paper, garbage, and plastic covers

often nap in the middle of the road,

in quest of food climb ramps, stairs

The illiterate man in small villages,

take cows to the fields for grazing

floor walls swabbed in cow dung,

cow dung cakes as fuel for cooking


Guys with smart-university degrees,

take dogs for a walk, toilet activity

roadside, d' right place for the acts

if noticed, not shy to pay d' penalty

It's just a routine practice in cities,

never hesitate the affluent people

old age homes are very often used

to toss out the seniors and disabled


Poor villagers ponder, whether leave

unwanted babies in the orphanages

God considers all creatures precious,

no option to ignore, stamp as useless

A thumb down in the village depicts

all utterly wrong signifies obstruction

an upright thumb in d' cities denotes

a victory, a sign of an appreciation


To live a traditional life in d' village,

is just a plain, simple way of living

fast-paced city life might be modern,

but a lot cumbersome and too tiring

Facilities at reach to avail, no doubt,

concrete jungles, environs polluted

roads, clean but horrible traffic jams

suffocating sounds, annoying noise


A village, very much like a big family,

little distant, but we know each other

1st person knows the last person but

in cities never know one d' next door

D' sweet village girls well mannered,

cultured, even though less educated

ill-mannered ladies found in d' cities,

join kitty parties, often drug addicted


A clear sky to enjoy natural sunshine,

and unadulterated home cooked food

can share each other's joy and sorrow,

d' village is decent, remains ever good


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