Tuesday 7 September 2021

And which ones to be left uncovered

Covers chosen to put on each item,

a mere enthusiasm or an obsession

to safeguard, protect from damage,

or to prolong d' life span not known

To keep the tiptop sofa scratch-free,

people opt to put a linen net over it

adding a clear overlay to cupboards

makes it appealing and impressive


Purchased a lavish bag from d' mall

ordered for a custom outfit stitched

of the military camouflaging color,

to match to own smartness outright

Put a floral sheet over d' velvet quilt,

a jacket on the fridge's fancy exterior

the microwave concealed with a veil,

as if a freshly wed bride's character


Dry grinding of spices to a powder,

or to make a paste, idly-dosa barter

from d' lovely attire can't make out,

not apparent, it's a mixture grinder

Thermos flask is with a fancy cover,

contents chilled or boiling not known

tv set wrapped in a floral garment,

its functional aspect, d' least concern


Attire for the adored car procured,

draped even the seats so amazing

a leather wrap on d' steering wheel,

gear handle's plush haze enveloping

Foot mats also put in cloth covers,

a comfy cleaning is d' ultimate goal

to defend d' original hue and beauty,

coverings needless, tarnish its sole


The dining table's glazing glass top

not seen, on it a silicon sheet spread

dining chairs and stools also masked,

d' gas cylinders too, not left naked

D' gas stove also dressed up nicely,

d' lighter's cover matches the decor

a metal case used to protect mobile,

a screen guard to save from scratch


Covers put on books and notebooks,

bed sheets draped with a bed cover

laptop given a decent pouch to hide,

a nice cloth adorns d' water purifier

Illicit money, concealed with care,

heedfully dumped in foreign banks

wrong-doings, ill desires, masked,

neatly covered, can play any pranks


Senior citizens are at risk of falling,

and go missing in uncovered drains

cooked food very often left exposed,

d' lids missing from d' garbage cans

No concern for the safety of kids,

laid bare always the bore well pits

once landed inside the rescue effort

continues for long days and nights


No helmet cover on the rider's head

d' whole family speeds on a scooter,

d' un-flushed toilets left uncovered,

overloaded, emits an unpleasant odor

Dresses disappeared in modernity,

people are comfortable being naked

human heart lacks humanity cover,

peace missing, the mind is perplexed


Disoriented, baffled, men gone mad,

dance in the open, naked on the road

not able to resolve what all to cover,

and which ones to be left uncovered


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