Wednesday 22 September 2021

To gobble d' foe, with mouth wide open


The Afghan-Taliban lately learned,

if their camps continued fighting

would someday have to end up in

d' third world war, too devastating


So decided to settle their dispute,

with an amicable archaic practice

the duel agreed upon a dog fight,

like d' David and Goliath diegesis


Each side awarded 5 years period,

to develop their best fighting dog

the winning dog to earn for its side,

beyond any conflicts to rule along


The losing side lay down its arms,

abide by the terms and conditions

in no circumstances have d' rights

to object, nor to do any rebellion


D' odious Dobermans bred warily

with d' robust Huskies by Taliban

and then cross-bred the offspring

with d' hounding wolves, Siberian


Meticulously chose d' robust and

hefty puppy of the individual litter

fed them d' selected nutritious diet,

steroids to amplify d' killing nature


The expert trainers engaged to train,

a tricky chasing and attacking drill

as the 5 yrs of training time was up,

needed cage bars made up of steel


Only d' skillful masters could handle,

d' ferocious beasts, nasty incredible,

ultimately on d' day of the dog fight,

Taliban, seen with the weird animal


Restful Afghans showed up serenely,

with a very strange-looking animal

a Dachshund that was 10 feet long

d' dogfight arena viewers felt rueful


D' odd-looking one had no chance,

it seemed unimpressive miserable

against d' growling brutal creature,

d' defeat was certain and inevitable


The bookies took a look, predicted,

d' Taliban's win in less than a minute

Panjshir critter's sedulous struggle,

be futile, feckless, and full of deficit


Cage unlocked, d' doors laid open,

the Dachshund leisurely waddled

toward d' center of the marked ring,

with a swaying gesture as if a Lord


Taliban beast leaped from its cage,

landed close to the Panjshir's side

to assault d' mammoth wiener, then

d' Dachshund opened its jaws wide


Engulfed the beast whole in one go,

nothing left but a bit puff of tail fur

floating on the ground with the wind,

utterly indistinct and almost obscure


Numerous jaws just dropped down,

And d' eyes remained broadly open

stunned crowd, bookies, media men

with ample disbelief gasped in unison


Muttered, shook d' heads in disbelief,

our top biologists, breeders designed

spent the whole lot time of five years,

to create a unique killing machine


Reshaped crocodile to look like a dog,

engaged our skilled plastic surgeons

yelled d' Afghan, portrayed loudly, just

to gobble d' foe, with mouth wide open


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