Monday 25 October 2021

Ought to be noted in gold letters

 D' elderly lady got on a bus,

sat on a vacant seat in comfort

one hefty, grumpy woman

climbed up at the next stop

seated sharply beside her,

hit her with her scores of bags

she could espy own nuisance,

yet d' elderly kept soundless



d' woman enquired,

why, no word of protest

no displeasure, no anger

despite being hit by d' heavy bags

absolutely calm

exhibited no ire of any kind

she rather politely told,

d' trip is short, I never mind


Replied with a sweet smile,

no need to be impolite

why debate a thing so trifling,

as my trip next to you,

in no time, I've to alight

No reason to hotly discuss,

an episode so insignificant

 get off at an upcoming stop

losing temper, not pertinent


Our trip together too short,

each of us must understand

d' flight span, so uncertain,

unaware, if we can safely land

keep away from d' squabbles,

 spoil no time, better forgive

why hit d' head on a hard surface

no regrets, not to aggrieve


Be humble, kind, and forgive,

admire friends and family

fill self with gratitude and joy

in d' mini-trip, don't behave silly

If insulted with no valid reason

stay calm, ignore it, pardon him

length of d' trip no one knows

not to get carried away by d' whim

Our time in this world so short

why, jealousy, onerous to others

a healing touch to d' worst victim,

ought to be noted in gold letters


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