Friday 18 March 2022

Countless audacious adventure

Held d' cat close to his chest,

wagged its tail d' daring pet

can't leave it alone at home,

rushed for his job, already late

Had to brief on night's shelling, 

ruins done in d' civilian zone

gather d' events, scan with care

to beam as news items

D' war ensued, got promoted,

to senior war reporter post

unlike earlier work schedules,

now more watchful and alert 

To escape the war outrages,

anxious d' Ukrainian civilians

no decline in the invasion,

by d' barbaric rude Russians

Bomb shelters are overcrowded,

also, d' metro halts, subways

war zones, now death prone,

d' bunkers also, not cent% safe

Millions fled, a lot succumbed

in efforts to bounce d' border

all scared, tensed, and terrified,

unused to face d' war horror 

Siren sounds jarring d' streets,

d' pavements veiled in gloom

smoke and dust shroud d' city,

sun's location tough to assume

Rubbles spread far and wide 

crammed city, shunned, lifeless

no train, bus, walk d' only means

to reach d' border, natives restless

 Hope at d' end of the tunnel,

vaguely seen to some extent

big chaos all around, yet

noted positive vibes in a few events

In a bomb shelter in Odessa,

a couple's wedding was on

in Kyiv, a baby girl born in a subway

it piloted smiles from heaven

Kids sat in a row on d' ground

eager to learn their lessons

a schoolmistress taking classes,

to keep up to date in education

Hiding in a bomb shelter,

kids reciting d' national anthem

boys playing cards nearby also,

loudly singing it with them

Not just the country-men,

pets, too facing a backlash of d' war

a shelter built for d' dogs,

cats, rabbits, turtles, and birds

Reporting went on in full vigor,

stood behind him a cute fluff

its look uttered an expression,

none had d' right to finish it off 

Any mishap any time, possible

the things appear so uncertain

Smoke rising from a few premises

the missile strikes, still on

In d' midst of d' missiles,

blow-ups, scattered corpses

amid d' chaos and debris

seen resilience in d' face of ravages

Life, a long lesson of humility,

must prepare to bear d' pain

if longing for a rainbow prevails,

got to put up with rain

 Life not so labile,

not so fragile to get broken

in d' harshest setups,

finds a way and holds on

It sprouts in some new turf

no halt at any juncture

accomplishes indeed,

countless audacious adventure


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