Tuesday 11 April 2023

Hidden a bit, no cause for a concern

D’ moon is unique and disparate,

pulls no veil to conceal her face

its hypnotic beauty is in d' open,

not keen to join any beauty race


Least worried for d' few strangers,

who eagerly waiting for a glimpse

on d' last day of Ramadan month,

to break d' fast with a sweet dish

Then d' If-tar with plenty of food,

with family, friends, and neighbors

moon ushers gaiety from heaven,

graces of Allah for a bright future

but it's not of d' Ramadan doers


Moon belongs to d' Karva Chauth?

a symbol of d' women's willpower

a fast kept for husband's long life,

lay love and trust in family matters

From dawn to dusk, take no food,

devoted wives do break their fast

see d' rising moon through a sieve,

and next d' hubby's face, a glance

but no asset of d' Chauth-wallas


Moon an ultimate feminine symbol,

with waxing-waning changes cyclic

loved by d' tender tides of d' ocean,

with d' moon's phases, turn lunatic

Symbolizes the ebb and flow of life,

despite their prolonged separation

d' lasting love grows among d' pairs

hearts filled with love as a full moon

but moon not of d' tides/ d' ocean


It's an allegory of d' mystery tales,

thrill scenes begin on moonlit nights

makes d' horror story spine chilling

onlookers stuck to the seats tight

In dreams moon, a sign of intuition

attached to emotions and instincts

an ability to figure out something,

no need for a conscious reasoning

but no property of d' thriller scenes


Earth in between d' sun and moon,

Rahu engulfs the moon like a pill

inauspicious, says Hindu tradition,

eclipse, an omen of all things evil

Often surprises, ultimately uproot,

life undergoes a complete change

negative energies, seen all around,

routine ventures even seem strange

but d' moon is not in d' food range


Thank God, d' moon, not on earth,

to be submersed in the litigations

shattered into numberless pieces,

dragged to courts with no solution

doubtlessly reach a poised position

in all editions, in the news headline

teasing on social media platforms,

maybe d' unbearable cyberbullying


Blessed to be in d' laps of d' clouds,

to stay lively, unharmed, unaffected

remains high in d' sky, beyond reach,

to be in tales, poems, ghazals recited

Thank the Almighty for such a favor,

to retain it in such a secure position

never mind being covered by clouds,

hidden a bit, no cause for a concern


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