Sunday 2 April 2023

Locate a smile on the lips of d' poor

Let me jot your face in my memory,

and later, when we meet in heaven

recall you readily, and able to avail

the scope, to thank you once again


Uttered d' words, grabbed my legs

tightly, as I was to leave the place

I got elated, freed my legs gently,

but he kept on staring at my face

I bent down, asked d' child quietly,

if anything else he really did need?

his reply not only made me happy,

but changed my life, overly indeed


The radio jockey asked the guest,

a millionaire, there in d' interview

what made him the happiest man,

about d' true happiness, his view

In my life, 4 stages of happiness

I had to make my move through

quite tough to locate it, but lastly

acknowledged d' happiness true


Gathered much wealth and means,

in the 1st stage, I turned mindless

the excess bounty I did stockpile,

lowered d' returns of mental peace

In d' 2nd, amassed precious items,

as though I was in a terrible hurry

d' luster of d' things didn't last long,

gone soon in no time, all temporary


Got into big projects in d' 3rd stage,

for d' IPL auctioned a cricket team

bought one seashore tourist resort,

but had no happiness as imagined

To buy wheelchairs for d' disabled,

in d' 4rth stage, a friend advocated

finally chose to procure d' products,

went along with him as he insisted


Hand over those to d' disabled kids,

be ready, do it with your own hands

did d' act as per his neat guidance,

gave out those to d' needy children

A glow of gaiety lighted up in faces,

moved around, in own chairs, had fun

enjoyed d' time as if at a picnic spot,

amused to d' fullest, cared for none

exalted more than winning a jackpot

deeply desired to see my face again

real joy began to overflow inside me

wheelchair matters a lot, a great gain


Asked no personal queries though

was a unique face-to-face interview

what all you prefer to do in your life,

and to do so, what motivates you?

On his own narrated the life story,

empathetic towards kids' problem

fully lost in himself, won the battle,

felt to be the world's happiest man


Admire d' value in d' friend of mine,

the way my life he truly influenced

attained a lot through his motivation,

my happiness index fully changed

Turned passionate to help d' needy,

his honest yet a thoughtful answer

d' scope to wipe out d' victim's tear,

locate a smile on the lips of d' poor


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