Saturday 21 January 2012

Will U save me Doc?

(Advanced Medicare & Research Institute Hospital)

Hospitals, d’ house of horror!
horrific tragedies often occur
It happened in morning wee hour
Ignitable in cellar, caught fire
Friday turned a black Friday, in no time
AMRI Hospital patients, d’ victim

Neighboring slummers raised alarm
Their plea ignored, listened none
Security locked gate, to prevent theft, 

 fought fire with water buckets
Toxic fumes briskly formed
Pumped to central air condition
Patients in wards got suffocated
Bed ridden, chocked to death, in bed
 for li’l fresh air, others desperate,
pressing nostrils on cracks & wind outlets
Tried to break open d’ thick glass pans,
Failure turned hospital, a burning oven

A corporate Hospital, utterly expensive
 specialist wings appear impressive
Fire fighting equipments not installed
Fire safety norms, yet to be followed
Basement, a benevolent store
For chemicals, wastes & oxygen cylinder
Cellar designed for open parking lot
generator installed, no second thought
Never ensured, a basement clearance,
Proved for many, a death sentence

smoke, engulfed several floor,
eventuated in a mass murder
helpless guys on life support system,
couldn’t move with plasters / traction
attempts made to attract attention
pressing face, palms on glass pans
Some witnessed others, being burnt alive,
Kin even not allowed to rescue relatives
Some woke up, smelling d’ smoke
watching d’ situation their heart broke
Staffs assured them not to worry
Slummers smashed glass panes, in a hurry
Tied patients to their bodies, with cloth
and rescued some, down to earth

Fire engines reached, no hydraulic lifts
In dense darkness, no flood lights
Firemen tussled, with no ammunition
Fire fury, seinged d’ trapped persons
In d'blaze, a ton patients perished,
Government’s generous overlook policy
turning Hospitals, to zones highly risky
crowded spot, narrow roads, thin lanes,
 visits by kind hearted politicians
Hard  to maneuver, for fire tender
A major hindrance to quick answer
Entrance & exit from d’ front,
no access from rear 
In fire emergency, rescue efforts a failure
Fire fighting equipments not in form
Management flouts, fire safety norm
None aware of using d’ extinguisher
Security’s reaction sluggish &  poor
No fire training for any Medical staff
Run away d’ only way, to save own life
They, not d’ captain of a sinking ship,
to rescue victims with self sacrifice

 frantic calls to relatives to save

failed, got engulfed in d' blaze

  For treatment, patients come,
 Fire trap & death,

a poignant dimension
 Extinguishers mere decorational
No timely refill, all nonfunctional
no water tank to hydrate d’ fire

No fire alarm, action plan not clear
Hospital needs segregation,

penalty for, building code violation

It's patient's right, 

proper care & treatment
Recuperation in safe environment
All perpetrators, bribe takers
Hospital owners, political leaders

need to be prosecuted

similar accidents, not to be repeated
Allow them not, to go scot free,
as always happens in our country

 Most hospitals flirting d’ very factor,
caused AMRI inferno on 7th of December
Patient safety ignored, for more revenue
Money minting, primarily in d’ view

If advised for Hospitalization,
 an woeful look, intense apprehension
No other options, no further choice
A query uttered in a shrill voice,
with utter dismay & profound shock
If a fire breaks, will U save me Doc?


harivadan said...

nice sir

bunny said...

its jst like a media coverage of d whole incident

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