Wednesday 10 July 2013

Wish to be a working dog

U never let me say my thing,
hinder to vent my inner feeling
Now carefully listen,
grant me a cool hearing
or else I’ll presume
better not to say anything to U
and to simply do,
what I must do*
what all  running through,
your pretty little head,
I won’t  wish to interrupt,
do go ahead
I understand we’re a couple,
yet two individual people
Very different, too dissimilar,
likes, dislikes not identical*
An urge within me yet aflame,
d’ enthusiasm to write poems
I’ll write, thrive,
 it’s my passion,
I know poems won't
fetch me ration
But to break myself fully open,
to decide my factual destination
To find out what more I can be,
create some stuff, store like bee
No more a solitary confinement
where do I stand,
I need to reinvent* 
Your aversion to poems
by now well known
I know not to deal with,
such a situation
Lived with U for a period so long,
endured d’ abuse of your,
untied tongue
A thought too often erodes me,
how to generate an opportunity
Wish to explore out on my own,
even no support, to go all alone
I’m strong enough on my inside,
ready to venture for a forlorn ride*
Now on I can manage myself well,
basis of my existence I’ll foretell
It won’t make my both ends meet
but ample freedom, to keep me fit
To ferret out
true purpose of my life,
made up my mind
not to yield to coercion
of any kind
A distinct desire to
march ahead,
need no pity, no solace, no hug
wish to be a working dog


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