Monday 15 July 2013

Home not a safe abode

A startling confinement,

me a mom, next moment

A tender kid,

countless cuddles,

infinite feeds

Volumes of dribble,

liters of spew,

two tough gums,

a pair of teeth new

Chews articles touching lips,

rolls on stomach, flexes hips

Giggles loud, attempts crawling,
 inspection on for exciting things

I kneeled down on d’ floor,

to explore

wished to have a glimpse,

what my kid sees,

while on her knees,

Curiously crawled around,

funny items I found

Detergent can under d’ sink

shocked eyes denied to blink
 uncared for Granny’s pill pouch,

At easy reach, under d’ couch

Red round ones for backache

appear as if gems chocolate
 evidently stupid to ignore

Blue cleanser jug for air cooler

truly appealing to d’ kid

lying in open with no lid

Like a fruit drink,

 ready to be gulped,

home not a safe abode

 I overlooked all these days

threat expulsion kept at bay

  So active and prompt my kid,

imitates her dad indeed

I often cannot imagine,

 creates umpteen funny scene

She needs a safe environ,

in innocent eyes, appeal done

Lurking around potential perils,

hurdles to enjoy entire thrills

Unwanted tablets lying in open,

must realize, d' Biochem mom

Mouth wash, tonics, vits, iron

all toxic for the tiny one

Drain opener, toilet cleaner,
lying haphazard, here there

Dish detergents with no cap,

not kept in a high self

No pot plants with thorns

Irritating leaves or stem

Home invaded by insects,

flittering moths, filthy cockroaches

Caterpillars’ wavy motion,

attracts baby’s uncut attention

Stinging bee, biting wasp,

motley beetles, allured to grasp

Pushed to mouth, swiftly gnawed

home not a safe abode


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