Thursday 19 September 2013

Me d’ review petitioner


A peek-a-boo game when youngster,

also play of police chasing gangster

Do fun, pass a decapitation order,

behead d’ cock, cook it for dinner

Now, at this age,

 self proclaimed judgment uttered,

me to be hanged till death, for sure

A rope arranged, also a platform,

ceiling fan anchor point, to fasten

Impulse flashed instantly, vanished,

desire to kill self grisly, perished

Sparked off a resolve to struggle,

not to douse life, a priceless opal

Filed appeal to self, to reconsider,

me d’ judge, me review petitioner

In last few weeks, I did discover,

chest turning wide, bulky, heavier

Scrutiny of body parts told a tale,

I perceived, I’m no more, a male

Male by birth, I steadily grew up

puberty approached, I’m in shock

identity altered, ample confusion,

about masculine feminine equation

Purely perplexed, tricky to answer,

I’m male, female or transgender!

I do possess an amalgamated body,

do not find in me, a genuine lady,

Couldn’t sync with rest of d’ world,

from d’ society getting detached

No gent, even no lady all together,

I’m only a deplorable transgender

Now I’m just myself, nothing more,

try to reshape, remodel my behavior

Adapt new associates, friend circle

at par body contour, shape, figure

Neither male nor female herds I fit,

a lot more, I ought to do about it

Though not naturally born female,

I sincerely desire not to be a male

My occult maleness kept concealed

 impress, as my body contour reveal

No more male, neither full female,

gender oblivion dragged me to hell

Deplorable, I’m a blended creature,

crucified, cursed to be transgender

Scared of harassment discrimination,

want a decent living, no depression

An abrupt turn in life, all in bizarre,

self esteem gone low, I’m in despair

Employers refuse to hire, no reason,

no job, no promotion in occupation

People fear or hate, don’t understand

Drowned in d’ dark, where do I stand!

Generated an idea of self destruction

soul killing a smooth way, only option

To end d’ life, ways not appear distinct,

Hanging d’ easiest path, to get extinct

But why d’ despondency, why to die

if me d’ judge, also a review I can try

 A judge can’t imagine to create a life,

to extinguish it, obviously has no right

Yet make an appeal, must reconsider,

be kind to me, me d’ review petitioner

Thursday 12 September 2013

My unique universe

Want to fit in, in my own house,
evidently I hate to stand out
Cupboards bursting with stuff,
all surfaces occupied of course
Bookcases crammed with books,
I had to sort out, by hook or crook
Few wait to be read, but unlikely,
a putative scenario appears ugly
Articles accrued over d’ years,
I’m truly scared how to dispose
A wish winks to get rid of some,
It’s a tricky art, not well known
Each one seems to have a reason,
to be retained, not to be thrown
I’ve fancy costumes, yet to be worn,
stored till worn out at folds & torn
It’s pretty shameful really to admit,
 items never used, but I preserve it
Unwanted objects hanging around,
in my cozy little home, what I found
Heap of garments, piles of clothes,
dozens of buckets, several bath tubs
Undue emotions, affinity tagged,
to get rid of d’ stuffs thus so hard
To part with presents a delicate act,
wrap spiky tendrils, round my heart
 gifts get gathered against my wish,
as if bacterial culture in a Petri dish
DVDs, cell phones, pen drives, pens,
accumulated enough, make me tense
Sets of saucers, several cooking pans,
utensils, crockery, cups and spoons
Just a hoarding, of no practical use,
occupy space, wasting energy huge
U never know, when‘s a necessity,
so right away, you cannot throw it
 Piling up articles, on the contrary,
may need to open up an art gallery
If I happen to hire a capacious truck,
able to dispose of a truckload of junk
I know in d’ end, things have to go,
yet squeeze my life steady & slow
Took an oath, no more accumulation,
I aspire a tidy, neat, peaceful home
Articles spread all over, so disgusting
 tolerated with a pinch, it’s quite vexing
 Wish genesis of an unique universe,
no possessions, granted use of course