Sunday 8 September 2013

A big dig to other side of d’ earth

No calls, neither messages,

chocked all channels of access?

Gone far away,

marched much ahead,

to d’ other side of d’ world!

I assigned birds’ chirping,

to your cell number

D’ melodious chirping,

from earth surface disappeared

Messages drafted, deleted,

U stayed disconnected

As if I’m in south pole, U in north,

  that’s d’ other side of d’ earth

Telepathy only way of contact,

I’m no over enthusiast

Articles drop from your hand,

U miss me, in d’ unknown land

To gulp food, of course turn tough,

U upset with incessant hiccups!

Discern-so often U’re recalled,

ought to have d’ queer episode

I’m curious to visit d’ antipode,

But yet to find a proper road

Mind drifted to d’ unknown land,

a territory, in the earth’s end!

Convinced U dwell in other side,

so the project of a big dig

 Dig a mysterious hole in ground,

till d’ precious jewel’s found

Went with shovel, spade, crowbar,

to the lonely fields in backyard

Restlessly kept on digging a hole,

for several days nights together

Discovered an abyss at a point,

know not goes to which joint

To throw U a rope amply curious,

for your firm grip in far recess

But U, in d' distant destination,

 utterly unaware of my intention

Strategy altered, I need to come,

to trace U in world unaccustomed

A thrilling expedition, here I go,

to get somewhere!, I don’t know

jumped to d’ abyss, I’m through,

certainly to a place, close to U

Waited so long, U never came,

thus I’m in this perilous game

A crazy meet, in an odd location,

in vast expanse of Pacific ocean?

 U’re my precious treasure,

to dig u out, it's my pleasure

Ought to reach U, some day,

in a desert or midst of a bay


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