Thursday 12 September 2013

My unique universe

Want to fit in, in my own house,
evidently I hate to stand out
Cupboards bursting with stuff,
all surfaces occupied of course
Bookcases crammed with books,
I had to sort out, by hook or crook
Few wait to be read, but unlikely,
a putative scenario appears ugly
Articles accrued over d’ years,
I’m truly scared how to dispose
A wish winks to get rid of some,
It’s a tricky art, not well known
Each one seems to have a reason,
to be retained, not to be thrown
I’ve fancy costumes, yet to be worn,
stored till worn out at folds & torn
It’s pretty shameful really to admit,
 items never used, but I preserve it
Unwanted objects hanging around,
in my cozy little home, what I found
Heap of garments, piles of clothes,
dozens of buckets, several bath tubs
Undue emotions, affinity tagged,
to get rid of d’ stuffs thus so hard
To part with presents a delicate act,
wrap spiky tendrils, round my heart
 gifts get gathered against my wish,
as if bacterial culture in a Petri dish
DVDs, cell phones, pen drives, pens,
accumulated enough, make me tense
Sets of saucers, several cooking pans,
utensils, crockery, cups and spoons
Just a hoarding, of no practical use,
occupy space, wasting energy huge
U never know, when‘s a necessity,
so right away, you cannot throw it
 Piling up articles, on the contrary,
may need to open up an art gallery
If I happen to hire a capacious truck,
able to dispose of a truckload of junk
I know in d’ end, things have to go,
yet squeeze my life steady & slow
Took an oath, no more accumulation,
I aspire a tidy, neat, peaceful home
Articles spread all over, so disgusting
 tolerated with a pinch, it’s quite vexing
 Wish genesis of an unique universe,
no possessions, granted use of course


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